Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hopefully Helpful Tips for Recovery: Maudsley

Inspirational quotes EVERYWHERE (I seriously mean everywhere: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, car, windows, doors, anywhere!)
Meditation: My acupuncturist (who is awesome) told me the most useful tip I’ve heard to help make meditating easier. Rather than chanting a mantra or counting (which may work for you) breathe in something positive, and breathe out something negative. For example, I sometimes breathe in trust (in myself and parents) and breathe out guilt.
Breathing: Just stop once in a while a take a deep breathe, from the tummy. Instant relaxation that is always with you!
Journaling: I tend to only write in my journal when I am angry or upset, but my good friend Emily told me that it’s nice to put things in your journal that make you happy so when you flip through it, you can see the things in your life to be grateful for.
Going for walks: So therapeutic!!
Listening to good music: (I actually have a recovery playlist)
Create a specific contract with your family regarding weight goals and other issues that often arise in your family. It may sound awful but the contract should be focused on giving rewards rather than consequences, so chances are, you’ll actually be getting things you’ve wanted! 
Don’t be afraid to call friends or family: I still am, but just know that they probably want to help you and if you really need to let something go, it’s a great option!
You may want to do a blind weigh-in. I personally prefer to know my weight so I can see it gradually increase, but it’s a personal thing.
Avoid looking at yourself in the mirror, particularly the parts you want to change. Your eyes will naturally focus on the parts of your body that you dislike. Try focusing on the parts you do like.

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